Nikah - Marriage Certificate

At JIT headquarter, Otsuka masjid, we perform Nikah (marriage contract) for muslims and issue a “marriage certificate” as an official proof of marriage. Please confirm relevant Japanese laws related to a marriage. According to Islamic law, marriage is a legal contract between a man and a woman. Both the groom and the bride are to consent to the marriage of their own free wills. Marriages in Islam also require acceptance of the groom, the bride and the consent of the custodian (wali: a male relative of the bride, preferably her father) and “mehr” in the form of money or possessions paid by the groom to the bride.

We also encourage the married couple to keep in touch with other Muslim brothers and sisters and to become active members of the community. We also provide “after-marital” counseling upon request.
Any couple who would like to get “marriage certificate”, please submit following documents/particulars.

Documents to SUBMIT
1. Application form (download/get directly from the masjid office)
2. Passport size photos (3 photos of bride and 3 photos of groom)
3. Identificaion documents (driving license/passport/resident card)
4. Official stamp (Inkan)
5. Family registration certificate (Juminhyo)
6. Original & Copy of Japanese resident card
7. Muslim certificate or a document showing Islam as religion
8. “Marriage certificate” fee of 20000 yen (issuing the certificate may take several days)
Marriage Certificate Requirments
1. Application Form
Download Marriage.pdf
2. Passport size photo (3 photos of of bride and 3 photos of groom)
3.Identificaion documents (driving license/passport/resident card)
4. Official stamp (Inkan)
5. Family registration certificate (Juminhyo)
6. Original & Copy of Japanese resident card
7. Muslim certificate or a document showing Islam as religion
8. “Marriage certificate” fee of 20000 yen (issuing the certificate may take several days)
At Otsuka mosque, we have a fully functional library with a collection of books in different languages.

Please contact for more details

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يتم دعم جميع أنشطتنا من خلال التبرعات السخية من الناس. تبرع لسبب وجيه وساعد المجتمع في اليابان.

مواقيت الصلاة

خطبة الجمعة الأولى: 11:50 صباحا

خطبة الجمعة الثانية: 12:30 ظهراً

خطبة الجمعة الماضية: 13:00 مساءا